
LE:PO レポー

【 The One and Only Jewelry 】

LE:PO は「自分らしさ」を大切にしたい、



【 LE:POのこだわり 】

【 LE:POの特徴】




【 LE:POの願い 】

LE:POで出会える唯一無二のパワーストーンジュエリーで、Good luck(幸運)とファッションを身にまとう幸せを感じてほしい。
それがLE:PO の願いです。

✴︎LE:PO レポー
Yukiko Yoda

NY州立大学 F・I・T ジュエリーデザイン科卒業
(株)ミキモト デザイン開発課 デザイナー(6年在籍)
東京真珠株式会社 デザイナー
2020年 LE:PO を設立
MJSA American vision Awards 入賞
第22回 インターナショナル パールデザインコンテスト 入賞
タヒチアン パールトロフィー ブローチ部門
日本グランプリ 世界大会3位



 【The One and Only Jewelry】
   A Spot to Find the Peerless Jewelry

LE: PO is a jewelry brand for women who want to value their "true selves".
In order to shine the individuality and charm of every woman with our jewelry, we use the selected power stones carefully to handcraft it one by one.

Your true selves will shine even more when you find the stone that has the power you need.

Hope you can meet the one and only jewelry for you at LE: PO.

[Brand Concept]
【Commitment of LE:PO】
We use the power stones that we select from around the world for LE:PO jewelry.
Even if the stones have the same name, the energy in the stones varies.
It will bring out your potential by resonating with your wishes and hopes.
We make jewelry that gives you luck.
This is commitment of LE:PO.

【Features of LE:PO】
● The one and only creation inspired by living overseas in New York, London, Istanbul, etc. for 10 years. (Creativity)

● Originality inspired by history and culture of the world - filled with style. (Originality / Uniqueness)

● The worldview as a designer that I reached after the experience on designing for “Mikimoto”, luxury long-established brand, over the past 6 years. (Artistic)

Utilizing the aesthetic that I trained in the world of fine jewelry, the designs that I create from intuition cultivated by touching beautiful things from throughout the world propose you a proper and new shine for women.

【Hope of LE:PO】
From unique designs with a playful element to timeless and feminine designs.
Modern and energetic jewelry is a partner for you that brings out the essential beauty of women.

We hope that you feel happy by wearing Good Luck and fashion with the one and only power stone jewelry you can find at LE:PO.

This is hope of LE:PO.

Jewelry designer
 Yukiko Yoda

Graduation from Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY USA
K. MIKIMOTO & CO.,LTD Jewelry Designer
TOKYO PEARL CO.,LTD. Jewelry Designer
Self-employed. Being responsible for accepting design order through delivering jewelry to the customers.
Lived in London and Istanbul for 6 and a half years.
Established LE:PO in 2020
The manufacturing Jewels and Silversmiths of America Honorable Mention. American vision Awards
The 22nd International Pearl Design Contest-4th prize
Tahitian Pearl Trophy Japan, Broach category Grand Prix
Tahitian Pearl Trophy International, Broach category- Third prize